Thursday, August 27, 2009

Classy Mummy

Made and posted on augest 13th. So i was board today and last night and so i started on my mummy. i did the cuts for the gears first and then painted it... then i ripped apart a novelty toy car that played 'Low Rider" and bounced and took out the lights and battery park and spend like 3 hours taking apart the mess of wires in side and sorted out how to make all 4 lights light up. then had to negotate them inside the head and run the wire outta the munny threw the foot and attach it to the battery pak (wich is hidden in these picks 'cuase its ugley) and made up a quick botton (which is also hidden and held down with tape). I am by no means any good at electrical stuff so all the many bits of weire are held together with electrical tape... so its delicate.

I might add a curly mustash or a mouth or somthing around the eye and gears to coccect them better to the body. right now they looktacked on.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Remember to put the cap on the tooth past

Drawn and posted on Auguest 11th. I have no idea where i gotthis... I think i was watching a tooth past comercial.

Floaming Lobster

Drawn and posted on Auguest 10th. Happy 20th Birthday to ME! Crazey looking Lobster, another poke at drawing crazey and 'ugly' looking thing. i got a wicked one lined up for tomorrow.

Africain Queen

Drawn and Posted on Auguest 6th. Watching Law and Order I realled like the deffence atorney, so i kinda drew her and embelished a bit.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lock and Key Tattoo

Drawn and posted on Aguest 5th. if I were ever to get a tatto for no reason this would be it.